Thursday, August 4, 2011


Well, I'm back from the Pacific Crest Trail. Didn't quite work out how I'd thought, but such is life. I'm sort of in a limbo space right now, not sure which way I'm going, and that goes for this blog too; I don't really know if I want to continue with it. Often it feels like mental masturbation. But I'm probably going to be thinking about this kind of stuff anyways, so we'll see.


  1. Welcome back! I hope you will continue with this blog but I'll understand if you need to walk to away from it. :)

  2. Glad to see you back on line. And I would have bought you a eer in Portland!

    Isn't mental masturbation just thinking for yourself?

  3. I'm quoting you on that baroness, I love it! I assume you mean't "beer" too, but it'd have to be of the root variety, as I pretty much steer clear of alcohol :\

  4. Hey. Masturbation feels good...or so I've heard! :-D
